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Poems That Rhyme That Are Funny

Rhyming Poems

Rhyming Poems

Poems that Rhyme

Poetry that rhymes relays a message through the music of the spoken word. Their power is in their ability to get us caught up in the music so that we will let down our defenses and consider the message that the poem has to offer. Sometimes poets use rhyme as a tool to show the humor in the message they are trying to convey. Traditional poems are written in rhyme to help to add a musical element to a reading. A rhyming poem brings out the joy that can be had in appreciating the music in words.

Funny Rhyming Poems

  1. Englksh Is A Pane

    • By Alan Balter
    • Published: October 2017

    Humorous Poem About The Inconsistencies Of English Language

    Hear eye sit inn English class; the likelihood is that eye won't pass
    An F on my report card wood bee worse than swallowing glass
    It's knot that eye haven't studied, often till late at knight
    Butt the rules are sew confusing, eye simply can't get them write

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    Very clever and funny, but it kinda blows my mind reading through this at the same time! How on earth did I manage to learn this wonderful, confusing language?! I must be converting it into...

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  2. Home Alone

    • By Innarenko
    • Published: February 2020

    Funny Poem About Scary Noises

    My family's gone; there's no one home.
    It's only me who's home alone.
    I shouldn't hear a single squeak.
    There shouldn't even be a creak,

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    This poem is so funny and a great one.

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    My 11-year-old son recited this poem at his classical school, The Classical Academy, this past month. He has peanut allergies, so it was fitting that he chose your poem to recite. He recited...

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  3. Night Noises

    • By Alan Balter
    • Published: September 2019

    My parents' bedroom is far from mine, so I have to wonder
    What the noise is every night that sounds a lot like thunder.
    We don't live near the seashore, but almost every morn
    I'm wakened by a noise that sounds like a fog horn.

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    The writer has given a humorous touch to a common incident found in many a home. Mother's lighthearted comment, "I don't mind; it's really a godsend" makes the idea more effective.

  4. Friendz

    • By Kayla Coffey
    • Published: February 2011

    I say yes and you say no
    I say bye and you say hello
    Butterfly's fly and penguins swim

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  5. The Life Of A Cupcake

    • By Shelby Greer
    • Published: May 2014

    Poem Told From The Perspective Of A Cupcake

    They put me in the oven to bake.
    Me, a deprived and miserable cake.
    Feeling the heat, I started to bubble.
    Watching the others, I knew I was in trouble.

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    I love this poem so much, I love to bake!! This poem is my top favorite to read and laugh for. Thank you so much for this wonderful and delicious poem. Hahaha.

  6. Happy Trails To Cancer Shirt

    • By Sam French
    • Published: February 2011

    To My Little Sister With Throat Cancer

    It was purchased just for you,
    when you're happy or you're blue,
    you can wear it on your head,
    'round the house or in your bed,

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    This is a lovely poem. Thank you for sharing this poem with all of us. I hope that your sister wins the battle over cancer. May GOD bless you and your sister.

  7. Time

    • By Erin Friedrichs
    • Published: March 2010

    The question that is asked the most; we hear it everyday,
    "What time Is it?" they want to know, and then they go away.
    It's time for bed, it's time for work, or time to feed the fishes,

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    I think 'so many freckles past a hair' means a very short space/distance/time. Perhaps Erin Friedrichs could expand on this?

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